This past Monday was the first "official" day of fall in my zone 9 garden. I was pleasantly surprised to feel the refreshingly cool air (63 degrees) dancing around me as I walked my daughter to her classroom. As I inhaled the fresh air, I seemed to stand a little taller with an added spring in my step. Even the cats felt it as they darted back in forth from the patio to the house. The cooler temps make them feel younger than their years. Gus my "old fella" (who is 20 years old) stuck his nose out the door and decided to venture outside and curl up on the patio for his normal 8 hour nap.

This pleasant fall weather signals the start of our second gardening season. It is the perfect time to enjoy the weather at its best, once again become a part of nature and get my hands back into the dirt. And it's happened just in the knick of time as my overgrown jungle will attest too.