Flowers are food for my soul.Their perfect beauty comes in many different shapes, shades and sizes...some are scented...but all are gorgeous. I love flowers, and before I discovered interesting foliage I couldn't see the point of buying a plant that didn't flower.
Camellias are a quintessential Southern plant. They take center stage in winter, brightening up my sometimes frost-bitten garden. I'm happy they don't bloom at other times of the year...they deserve to be the sole-bloomer in the garden. They're cold hardy and love to grow in the shade of a Live Oak.
Pink and green are my favorite colors. So much so, that my living room is abloom in pink and green flowered fabric. It's been that way for a long time, and I never tire of it. I just love it! Here's a sampling of "pink" flowers that bloom in my garden -- hollyhock, clerondendron, bromeliad, azalea and Brazilian plume. 

More pink, and some burgundy, too. Very soothing . . . and understated in the garden. This sampling of photos contains a tillandsia (another epiphyte), snapdragons, Ti plant bloom, camellia and crape myrtle.
The photo on bottom left doesn't contain any's a mix of colorful foliage . . . cordyline, coleus, begonia and prayer plant.
At the other end of the spectrum there's the bold warm colors of red, orange and yellow. These flowers are just simply happy go-lucky. You can't miss their cheerful sunny faces in the garden.
In my garden you'll find clivia, nasturtians, candlestick plant (a/k/a Christmas Senna), glorybower, fern and hibiscus. The candlestick plant is the offspring of a plant that grew in my mother's garden when I was a child. The Cloudless Sulphur butterflies absolutely love this plant.
And, you'll also find angel trumpets (another plant from my mother's garden), purslane, camellia, Indian blanket flower and Knock-out roses.
The Indian blanket flower is one of my favorite plants, as is the Knock-out rose. Both are workhorses and produce blooms in all four seasons.
I plant cool and warm-colored flowers because I love both. In Florida, the majority of our flowering plants will bloom pretty much yearround.