Welcome to my zone 9 garden. My roots are deeply planted in the sandy soil of sub-tropical central Florida, where the summers are long and hot, but the rest of the year is paradise!

Friday, January 27, 2006

A Sight to Behold!

This barren piece of landscape may not look like much to the ordinary eye, but to the eye of a gardener it is a sight to behold. A blank canvas that holds so many possibilities. A chance to start fresh - to build anew. The mind races with ideas of what to plant. Should it be a mix of varying shades of foliage woven together to create a living tapestry, or a kaleidoscope of brightly colored flowers all jumbled together?????

Half the fun is in the dreaming. The design changes from moment to moment until the frazzled mind needs a rest. Such a small piece of land and so many possibilities. The debate goes on...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Mysterious Tree Man

He is definitely the Mona Lisa of tree art. This mysteriously looking creature is Carlos. He is a friendly "tree spirit" whose watchful eyes seem to follow my every move in the garden. I've even taken to confessing my deepest secrets and wishes to him, knowing that not a word of it will ever pass from his lips. A true friend indeed!

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