Welcome to my zone 9 garden. My roots are deeply planted in the sandy soil of sub-tropical central Florida, where the summers are long and hot, but the rest of the year is paradise!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My Winter Garden

Okay, don't laugh! Most of my yard is covered in shade and there is very little space for a "real" garden, so I must (at least for now) be content with placing a few vegetables here and there. But these Georgia collard greens planted around my daughter's swing set did very well this winter. I've been enjoying them very much, and as my step-dad Charlie said they did taste even better after a few cold snaps.
I have much more ambitious plans for my spring garden. Since I read "The Art of the Kitchen Garden" by the Gertley's, I am planning on planting 7 tomato plants, melon, green onions, bush beans, ground cherries and cukes in various spots in my front and side yard. I'll keep you posted on how my unconventional garden grows.
As you can see by the first photo, the spring tulips are blooming in my zone 9 garden:-)!

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