Welcome to my zone 9 garden. My roots are deeply planted in the sandy soil of sub-tropical central Florida, where the summers are long and hot, but the rest of the year is paradise!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Breath of Fresh Air

It was a dreary day as I sat working on the computer, when all of a sudden the sun popped out. I glanced out the window for a look, and there it was - a splash of spring green reflecting the sunlight. My neighbor's Laurel oak was awash in brand new leaves. I couldn't believe it! I jumped up to check on our tree but it was still in the process with teensy little baby leaves just beginning to pop out. I was amazed at how quietly and quickly the tree had transformed itself from winter to spring. It is the "star" of the neighborhood, as it is the first to announce spring is arriving.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Another Magical Surpise. Ain't nachur grand!

Susan said...

Lisa...we're in full tree transformation mode down here. The air is becoming heavy with pollen :-(

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