Now with the aid of my garden helper (Round-Up) I should be able to keep things in check throughout the summer without too much trouble. I will have to do a mid-summer trim because summer showers make monsters out of my plants. And, then there is the weekly lawn mowing that must be done. Most people would think this crazy, but I actually enjoy it (and I'm not one of those lawn perfectionists either). Weeds and crabgrass are okay with me, so long as they're green. But I must admit that the best part of mowing the lawn is when I dive into the pool after I'm done. It is such a refreshing experience.
This pathway leads from the side yard to the backyard, and both this photo and the one below have "borrowed" landscape from my neighbor. The pink Ti plants and the Lady palm above them are part of an adjoining flowerbed that belongs to my neighbor. We color coordinated :-)
Can you tell I just mowed the lawn?
The cold weather did a number on my Angel Trumpet, but it is making a comeback. However, the Plumeria (further down the picture) is very slow to generate some new leaves. We're keeping our fingers crossed on that one.