Welcome to my zone 9 garden. My roots are deeply planted in the sandy soil of sub-tropical central Florida, where the summers are long and hot, but the rest of the year is paradise!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day

This turned out to be the prettiest combination I've ever done in a container. I just love the smoky blue green color of the ornamental cabbage. It seems the colder it gets, the more colorful it is. The other flowers are a trailing petunia and a blue sage which both withstood the recent freezing temps. By the way, I wish I could take credit for having a sharp eye for color but this was by pure luck that it turned out so nice.


Carol Michel said...

That is a great combination for a container. It's a nice color combo and there is good contrast in the types of plants.

Thanks for joining us for bloom day and I hope you are able to join us each month for the next year.

Carol, May Dreams Gardens

Susan said...

Carol...Thanks for the warm welcome. I'll definitely be posting each month.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

A very pretty combination. I also like the contrast in leaf shapes.

Meems said...

Susan: I don't know how I missed stopping by your GBBD. So glad to have you join the fun.

Your container is arranged so nicely. I love the textures, layers and shades of color! Combining arrangements in containers is one of my all time favorite projects and visual affects. So much can be done in a little space.

Susan said...

Lisa...thanks for stopping by for a visit.

Meems...I just posted for the first time to GBBD, and I look forward to it each month. It's a great idea!

kate said...

Your planting of the ornamental cabbage with the petunias and salvia are really striking. I'm glad they survived the frost.

I had a good look at your favourite orchids. Wow they are beautiful!

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