Instead of a white Christmas, it will be a warm one with temps expecting to reach 80 degrees. That's not exactly the wintry feel of Christmas that most people experience but our plants love it and there are plenty of blooms in the December garden.
My poinsettia bloomed in time and has yet to be touched by old man winter.
A plethora of orchid blossoms bask in the warm sunny days of December.

The Christmas bromeliad. My mom says this one blooms every Christmas, and once again she was right. It opened its first bloom yesterday.

A sunny orchid to brighten our day.

and another pretty holidayish bromeliad.
Wishing everyone a
very Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Susan.
I love the yellow orchid, so pretty and bright!
Hi Susan~
I like your poinsettia. I kept mine outdoors until it got too cold then I brought it in, but it didn't really bloom much. After this season, I think I'll plant it outside and hope for the best.
I also wanted to let you know I changed my blog address. I have the old one up still, but will most likely delete it in a couple of days.
My new blog is called 'the charming garden in my head'
I hope you had a Merry Christmas :)
Susan, Yes, it's warm and sunny and the plants are flourishing because of it. Do you know the name of the bromeliad your mom says blooms every Christmas? I have it in several places and can't seem to track down the name. I also have the orange one. Isn't it nice they seem to all begin blooming right now and the wonderful thing is their blooms last for about 6 months. Your pointsettia is nice too.
I sure hope you are enjoying the holidays... and the warm weather.
Lisa...Thank you, and same to you Lisa.
Dani...It is an unusual color.
Susie...Thanks for letting me know about your change of blog. I'll update my info. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
Meems...I don't know the name of that bromeliad and neither does my mom (sorry). Hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family.
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