One of my favorite veggies to grow is salad greens. They are so easy and they keep on producing even after you cut leaves off. Plus it's nice to have fresh salad greens at hand. These two photos contain a couple of bibb lettuce but mostly a mixture of leaf lettuces.
This is the first year I've grown snow peas and it has been extremely fun. The vine is so delicate and I have it climbing up a small palm tree that lost its leaves to the winter frost. Out of each tiny white flower that blooms a small peapod emerges and grows very fast. With the sunlight in the background you can count the number of peas in each pod. I can hardly wait to pop these in my mouth.
The blue-green color of broccoli is a very pretty accent among the green plants in the garden. So far the plants are doing well but they'll need to hurry up and produce the edible stalks before it gets too warm.
The bush beans have tiny little beans on them but I discovered a squirrel atop my daughter's swingset munching on one of them. YIKES! I hope he doesn't eat them all. There are 3 beds of beans planted around the house - 2 in the front yard and 1 in the side yard. Hopefully, I'll at least get some out of the front yard. By the way, my neighbor came over to see what kind of veggies I was planting in the front yard this time. Last year he made fun of my tomato plant that was smack dab in the center of the bed alongside of the walkway to the front door. I told him, "That it's very European to plant vegetables in the frontyard." Somehow, he didn't seem too impressed by that. But hey, in my yard I've got to plant where the sunlight is!
Another new vegetable for me this year is summer squash. The plants took off right away and I was worried they'd be all leaves and no veggie, but if you look through the leaves you'll see an adorable baby squash. It's fun to go out every day and check the progress of the plants and watch the veggies grow bigger.
How are the black cherries taste wise?
Your garden looks lushous. I am hungry again.
I love veggies in containers!
Your greens look great. I must remember to plant them in the fall!
I think it's great you plant wherever you can to catch some sun. I planted tomatoes in pots this year for the same reason. Even though I have several plants growing in the designated veggie site - I added more on the back patio in pots so I can move them around as needed.
One just can't have too many tomato plants. I'm hoping one of the volunteer tomato plants coming up in the garden is a black cherry. :-)
Dani...The black cherry tomatoes are the BEST! I highly recommend them.
Lisa...You just can't beat your own homegrown fresh veggies. Tonight I'm going to cook the summer squash. A couple of them just exploded in size over the weekend.
Darla...It's a lot easier to get them through the winter that way.
Meems...I agree - one can never have too many tomatoes. Herbs are nice in containers too, especially on the patio where they are close at hand. I've been enjoying photos of your veggie garden. It looks great!
I thinking of growing my vegetables in pots next year. My production has been poor the last couple of years, my problem is too much sun
Susan: Your garden blog is lovely! I like the background paper too. Just wanted to see if you were still interested in the Bloggy Book Club - it's updated and ready for more of your insightful comments! :o) My apologies for getting behind with things, so annoying when real life interrupts my reading - and my blogging! :o)
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