At long last, a taste of fall has arrived in Central Florida. Temperatures for the past two mornings were in the mid-60’s - HOORAY! While I will temporarily revel in the delightfully refreshing coolness of the morning, I won‘t get too used to it because the humidity will be back by Friday. But nonetheless, it was a most welcome announcement that our “endless summer” is beginning to give way to autumn.
Later that day I was driving down the road with my sunroof open , happy as a lark enjoying the spectacular weather when a funny thing happened. All of a sudden, I found my car automatically turning into the nursery. Oh, “Perhaps a few mums and some fall vegetables - collards, lettuce and broccoli are needed for the garden,” I said to myself. As I was walking out with my cart full of “new stuff,” lo and behold, I discover my neighbor Nancy just arriving. It’s funny how a slight change in weather seems to reenergize us Florida gardeners.
Ahhh... that "brisk" 66 degrees yesterday was a HUGE relief after this loooong summer. Could feel the humidity creeping back today but still better than any day since May.
Enjoy it while you can...
Meems @ Hoe and Shovel
Hi Meems, I definitely am enjoying the weather,even in the warmer afternoons. This is the time of year I patiently wait for.
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