Some of favorite flowers are in bloom at this time of year. Last November I placed four camellia plants around the base of a live oak tree, and this year they rewarded me with tons of purplish-pink blooms. The plants are loaded with blossoms and have been in non-stop bloom for the past month.
A couple of summer stalwarts that are still in bloom-producing mode are these two Indian blanket flowers. A red and yellow combination, and
a solid yellow variety. I just cleaned up the spent blossoms on them a few weeks ago, gave them a shot of fertilizer, and they're back on track to bloom through the winter months.
The berries on the Nandina or Heavenly bamboo plant have turned red, and even the foliage is showing a tinge of blush. It's a plant that looks great all year, and then changes to add some color interest to the autumn and winter garden.
Our roses take a break from blooming during the hot summer months, but milder temps along with a quick haircut and a handful of fertilizer reinvigorates them and they happily produce new blooms before winter arrives.
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